Ginger Rhodes is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in San Francisco, where she specializes in the treatment of complex-trauma survivors. In addition to individual psychotherapy, Dr. Rhodes provides forensic evaluation and expert-witness testimony for trauma survivors, including criminal defendants and survivors seeking political asylum in the United States.

Dr. Rhodes received her PhD from the University of Connecticut, where her research focused on understanding violence. She has presented workshops and papers on violence, trauma treatment and the impact of working with traumatic material in both the United States and abroad. She is also available for consultation and can be reached at:

Dr. Rhodes joined the San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group in 2005. She completed the group’s post-license psychotherapy training program during its inaugural year in 2006. Dr. Rhodes became an active participant with SFPRG, including serving for six years on its board of directors. Her activities included teaching in the group’s Training Clinic and supervising interns. In 2014-2016 she served as Clinic Director.

In 2017 Dr. Rhodes joined a group of Control Mastery Theory professionals in forming the International Control Mastery Therapy Center. She is currently the Vice President of the CMT Center.

Prior to becoming a psychologist Dr. Rhodes was a journalist and producer for an NPR affiliate. She also shared many years of experience in writing and editing with her husband, the writer Richard Rhodes. They researched and co-edited the book Trying To Get Some Dignity: Stories of Triumph Over Childhood Abuse (William Morrow, 1996).
